Cagla Ilk (1976) is from Istabul. She studied architecture at the University Mimar Sinan in Turkey and is currently writing her Ph.D. at the Technische Universit?t Berlin.
A selection of Cagla’s projects, conferences, and publications:
Founding member of the Berlin-Istanbul Network
Participated in conceiving the 2009 conference 20 Jahre St?dtepartnerschaft Berlin-Istanbul (Berlin-Istanbul: 20 years of urban partnership)
Participated in project “Re-loading Kreuzberg,” a collaboration with the Technische Universit?t, the Humboldt University, and the Hebbel Theater Berlin
“City as an Interest,” in Thomas Arnold, Elke Knoess et al, Architekturrausch (Jovis Verlag).
Lecture at the exhibition “Urban Realities: Focus on Istanbul,” Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin
Book project Self Service City: Istanbul (B-Books Verlag)
Private contractor at Arin+Partner, Berlin (until 2007)
Field research on the social and political aspects of the illegal settlements in Gaziosmanpasa for the project “Ersatz Stadt Istanbul,” Volksb?hne, Berlin
Participation in workshop on Golden Horn settlements of the Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul with students from the technical colleges of Stuttgart
Participation in the EASA National Contacts Meeting “Berlin als nationaler Kontakt f?r die T?rkei,” Berlin